I thought we could put a twist on this online craze!
We've all got those special beers hidden away in cupboards, that are waiting for the perfect opportunity to crack open, yet we all know that opportunity rarely comes.
So much like the Open It days, why not "nominate" a fellow beer fan to open and review one of their prized beers?!
Much like the original, lets set some ground rules to attempt to keep this flowing:
- Once you've been nominated you should review a beer within 2 weeks
- With each review you can nominate up to 3 people to Open It
- Reviews should be posted online either as a video or as a blog post
Finally please remember this isn't a contest, there's no need to down your drink, just sit back & enjoy!
Oh and here's mine to start things off.....
So after rummaging through my beer cupboard I ended up opening my bottle of Brew Dog and Lost Abby's
Lost Dog 11.5%. An Imperial Porter brewed using a blend of 7 different malts and aged in Rum Casks for a year, It was the stylish presentation box that caught my eye with this one!
As you can see from the clip above the beer pours black as you'd expect from a porter but there's also a reddish hue to this, possibly from its time in the rum casks. It actually poured very flat and any trace of a head forming disappeared instantly. The nose gives huge fruitcake aroma's with raisin and of course rum!
It tastes very sweet with a thin mouth feel and lack of carbonation, There's a touch of the the alcohol and wood
Overall I wasn't that impressed with this one and its made me realize that not all beers are worth saving despite there exuberant packaging!
All that's left is for me to nominate the next Beer Geeks for this challenge:
So over to you:
You have two weeks!